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the dog doesn't move around the desktop he just stays in the window like hes trapped

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The game is nice,  though the settings for mobile is kinda buggy

its cute :D


0/10 cant even install keeps saying windows cannot extract this file due to it not having a destination file.


no it's 9/10 the reason you can't do that it's cause you and your pc suck and your pc suck like u

you can make a file on the desktop and you can make the destination the file!

nvm i tried that and it didnt work

instead if you have a emulator get the mobile version and it'll work fine 👍

i recommend LDPlayer!


idea: if you leave it online for one  day, it can die and you need to get a new doggo.


Oh my god, no please xD

It would be violent and sad


Help me i cant extract the zip file, 


If the player is doing something it could annoy the player like barking at him / her constantly cause it wants attention unless you pet  it or give it a treat it wont go anywhere or sonethin like that 

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Update,I downloaded the game and extracted the program to a file,but idk what to open, wait...... why are almost all the folders empty?


I am so late to this game, but desktop goose won't work so lets see if this doggo could cheer me up!

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i really want it but im trying to unzip the file but i cant

Tip: if ur using winzip, get winrar its better

and btw amazing username

why thank you lol

also thank you i got winrar and it finally worked

Deleted 2 years ago

if you have windows you don't have to use any extracting  programs!


This game is super cute.


Thank you!